Sunday, August 29, 2010

Term 3, Week 10 (30 Aug to 3 Sep)

This will be the schedule for this week:

Mon: Conversational Chines & Malay (8 am to 12 pm)

Tue: Home-Based eLearning (8 am to 12.30 pm)

Wed: School holiday

Thu: Math mock test / Science Quiz / ME test

Fri: Momotaro -The Peach Boy play

On Friday, come dressed up in anything Japanese, if you have.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Schedule for rest of Term 3

The next few few weeks to follow will be packed with activities and events. If you've missed copying them into your dairy, here they are again:

Thu | 19/8 | Home Based Learning
Fri | 20/8 | Home Based Learning

Mon | 23/8 | English Quiz + Story Web
Tue | 24/8 | (other classes begin Math trail & Science practical)
Wed | 25/8 | Math Trail, 9 - 10.30 am
Thu | 26/8 | Science practical, 10 - 11 am
Fri | 27/8 | GEP screening test

Mon | 30/8 | Conversation Chinese & Malay
Tue | 31/8 | Home Based Learning
Wed | 1/9 | Teachers' Day
Thu | 2/9 | Math mock test (CA2)
Fri | 3/9 | Play - Momotaro, Peach Boy

Please keep your parents informed.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Math Trial - Parent Volunteers

The math trial will be held in Week 9. Our class is scheduled to have ours on 25th Aug 2010.

Parent volunteers (PVs) will be needed who will be assisiting pupils from other P3 classes. If we have more PVs, we will be able to swap PVs with classes with more. This will mean that our class pupils can be split into smaller groups. Smaller groups are generally more efficient, task-oriented and less difficult to manage.

Please ask your parents early and let me know as soon as possible.

Oral Presentation

We've just had the test for the Personal Response today. In the test, you were given the choice to write about any of the 3 stories we had gone through.

We will begin the oral presentation from next week.

To prepare for it, please reflect on the story you had written about. You can present any of the following points:

1) Which story I like most?
2) What is the story about?
3) Who / Which is my favourite character?
4) What is the most exciting part of the story?
5) Why I like the story?

As your presentation should take at least a minute, you may choose to talk about any 2 of the points above.

Please refer also to the rubrics given to you on how you will be assessed for the oral presentation.